Outpatient Dental Qualifications

US Department Of Veterans Affairs: Outpatient Dental Treatment Qualifications !

Scroll, and see Dental Qualifications Fact Sheet Table !

Outpatient Dental Treatment:

Dental benefits are provided by VA according to law.

In some in­stances, VA is authorized to provide extensive dental care, while in other cases treatment may be limited by law. This Fact Sheet table describes dental eligibility criteria and contains information to assist Veterans in understanding their eligibility for VA dental care.

By law, the eligibility for Outpatient Dental Care is not the same as for most other VA medical benefits. It is categorized in classes. Those eligible for VA dental care under Class I, IIC, or IV are eligible for any necessary dental care to maintain or restore oral health and masticatory function, including repeat care. NOTE: Other classes on the Fact Sheet have time and/or service limitations !


If you: You are eligible for: Through
Have   a service-connected Any needed dental care. Class   I
compensable   dental disability
or   condition.
Are a   former prisoner of   war. Any   needed dental care. Class   IIC
Have service-connected   dis~ Any needed   dental care. Class IV
abilities rated 100%   disabling,
or are unemployable and   [note:   Veterans paid at   the
paid at   the 100% rate due   to 100%   rate based on a tem
serviceconnected conditions.   porary rating,   are not eligible
for comprehensive outpa
tient dental services.
Apply for dental care   within Onetime   dental care if   Class II
180   days of discharge   or a DD214   certificate of
release from a period of ac- discharge does   not indi-
tive duty (under conditions cate that a complete dental  
examination and all ap
other than dishonorable) of propriate dental treatment
90   days or   more during the had   been rendered prior   to
Gulf War era. discharge.*
Have a   serviceconnected Needed   care for the service- ClassIIA
noncompensable   den connected condition(s).
tal   condition or disabil A Dental Trauma Rating
ity   resulting from   combat (VA Form 10-564D)   or
wounds   or service trauma. VA, Regional Office Rating  
Decision letter (VAForm
1   07131) identifies the tooth/
teeth eligible for care.
Have a   dental condition clini-   Dental   care to treat the oral Class III  
cally determined by   VA to be conditions   that are deter
associated   with and aggravat mined   by a VA dental profes
ing a service-connected medi sional   to have a direct and ~
cal   condition. material   detrimental effectto
a   serviceconnected medical


Are actively engaged   in a 38 Dental care   to the extent Class   V
USC Chapter 31 vocational necessary   to:
rehabilitation program. Make   possible to enter,
achieve   goals, and prevent
interruption   of a rehabilita
tion   program, or
Hasten   the return to a
rehabilitation   program for
leave   status, or placed in
discontinued   status because
of a   dental condition, or
Secure   and adjust to
employment during employ
ment   assistance, or enable
to   achieve maximum inde-
pendence   in daily living.
Are receiving VA care or,   are Dental   care to treat the Class   VI
scheduled for inpatient   care oral   conditions that are
and require dental   care for a determined   by a VA dental
condition complicating a   medi- professional   to complicate a
cal condition currently   under medical   condition currently
treatment. under   treatment.
Are an enrolled Veteran who A   one-time course of dental Class   11B
may be homeless   and receiv- care that is determined
ing care under VHA   Directive medically   necessary to re
2007-039. lieve   pain, assist in   gaining
employment,   or treat moder-
ate   to severe gingival and
periodontal   conditions.


“Note:Public Law 83 enacted June 16, 1955, amended Veteranseligibility for outpa­tient dental services. As a result, any Veteran who received a dental award letter from VBA dated before 1955 in which VBA determined the dental conditions to be noncom­pensable are no longer eligible for Class II outpatient dental treatment !

Veterans receiving hospital, nursing home, or domiciliary care will be provided dental services that are professionally determined by a VA dentist, in consultation with the referring physician, to be essential to the management of the patients medical·condi­tion under active treatment.

For more information about eligibility for VA medical and dental benefits, contact VA at 1-877-222-8387 or www.va.gov/healthbenefits Please: Scroll www.vetsguide.net, entire WebSite for other information that you might find very beneficial, and/or helpful for you, and/or family ! Please tell every Vet, and or Vet families about this WebSite ! Remember, the ‘Motto’, for all of  us Vets’; Is Leave No Vet, Nor Their Families Behind ! Good Luck !