
Contents of for Internet Web Site !Veterans Significant Media/Directive ResourcesGuide and Connections, Where To Turn for help ! This Web Site shall feature: A –Z: A very important VA Benefits also VA Health Resources Guide to guidance, Vital Vet. News/ Information, Key Tips/Helpful Suggestions, pertaining to VA Benefits and/or Claims. Also featured: A — Z, are other very important, compassionate and sharing Connections for Veterans; Where To Turn For Help and Services for Veterans and Families, as well as Vets Spouses, ( biological and/or step -dependents ) !

Special Notes: The main intentions of Internet Web Site are Simple:

  1.  Leave no Veterans and/or Families behind.
  2.  When Veterans and/or families are seeking VA Benefits and helpful services: Web Site, Intends to help eliminate as much as possible, Veterans and Families, anxieties, bewilderments, and lack of knowledge about/or on, who, what, when, where, why, and so what !


(A). who? – who should do it -most likely, who is you.

(B). what? – what should I do ? Find out as quick as you can, because there may be a time line requested, by/or from you .

(C). when? – do not drag your feet ( meaning don’t procrastinate nor prolong ), therefore it will be to your best interest or benefit to respond right away to get faster results .

(D). where? – read the instruction, use the phone book of your area, check the internet out for location, call information, ask someone to help you to find out where !

(E). why? – read what ever you read until you fully understand what it’s stating or saying, if you don’t understand why, get someone who will understand why to help you with the why !

(F). so what! – is very important, because it tells you what the significance or the benefit if any for you. At least you will know !

Special Note: Vet Alert! To receive the maximum from the web site scroll throughout on a regular basis the entire site, because we are constantly changing information, and updating the site. Good Luck!…